‘Despair, for the Reverend walks among you’ – A look at the First Page From ‘Wrath of God’

The Reverend welcomes you to the first page of 'Wrath of God'

The Reverend: a holy weapon forged in tragedy and flame – a murderous martyr whose cold judgement strikes with the force of a vengeful God. Despair, for the Reverend walks among you. He is the right hand of vengeance. He is Wrath.

So whenever anyone finishes Fallen Heroes I always ask who was your favorite character and although the results vary one name gets mentioned again and again Jonathan Bishop aka ‘The Reverend’.

When Cy Dethan and I chatted about writing a comic script for the Reverend and giving people a little more background on the character I couldn’t wait for him, Gat Melvin (colours), Steve Penfold (art) and Nic Wilkinson (letters to get started. The script Cy has come up with is brilliant and captures the dark and bloody tones of Reverend’s relentless and very personal one man crusade. The comic will also give the reader a deeper look at the Reverend’s past as well as answering the question of how he obtained some of his skills you see described in Fallen Heroes.

Like all the comics in the ‘Tales of the Fallen’ anthology Wrath of God is %100 canon in the Unseen Shadows universe. This is the Reverend’s past approved by me rather than a nice spin off that has nothing to do with the book. So for the readers who enjoyed Fallen Heroes this comic will give you a little more insight into the character and his world before Fallen Heroes. If you’ve not read the book that doesn’t matter as again like all the Unseen Shadows project they are perfectly readable without reading the novel but you will gain a richer experience if you have.

The comic will be released digitally in November and will also form part of the ‘Tales of the Fallen’ anthology being launched at the Thought Bubble Festival in November.

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