Locking Down the Unknown: 300 Page Digital Comic Collection and ‘Fallen Heroes Novel’ Free for 30 Days

Hi everyone, I hope in these scary times that as you are reading this you and your loved ones are doing ok.

Today would have been my late mother’s birthday and as she was the one who started me writing back when I was 11 today seems to be a very apt day on which to make this announcement.

One of the amazing upsides I have seen since this pandemic began is the amount of stuff my fellow creative people out there are doing to help ease people’s time in  isolation. In the spirit of that I’ve decided that as of today I’m offering a special digital edition entitled ‘Unseen Shadows’.

This edition which is over 300 pages contains all of the comic one-shots that have published to date as well as the Fallen Heroes Novel.

The fine creative folk working on these comics include Corey Brotherson,Nic Wilkinson,Richmond Clements Pete Rogers, Valia Kapadai,Conor Boyle,Vicky Stonebridge,Steve Penfold,RH Stewarr,Gat Melvyn, Paul McLaren,Martin Conaghan, Robert Carey, Alex Moore and many more

You cannot get this digital version anywhere online this comic collection is only available here for free until 11th June.

The full list of the titles is below.

The Lament of Lady Mary
Knights of Cademus
Operation Solomon
Fight or Flight
Wrath of God
Fragments of Fate
Band of Butchers
The Immaculate Abortion of Dina Leigh
Fallen Heroes: Prologue

Hope you enjoy the read and please not that this special edition will only be available for the next month.

Barry Nugent

Comics and Prose Unite in Napoleon Stone and the Army of Set

“Just because I’m at a comic convention doesn’t mean I won’t buy a prose novel…after all I am a geek.”

The above nugget of wisdom was delivered  at my exhibitor table at the Thought Bubble Comic Festival, several years ago. I was there selling Unseen Shadows comics when someone stopped by to ask about the project.  I explained how the comics were, for the most part, standalone stories that featured characters from my novel ‘Fallen Heroes’ (yep I just had the one novel back then). The man nodded enthusiastically, said he loved the idea and started to scan the table. At last he looked at me and asked.

“Where’s the novel?”

I replied that I didn’t think anyone would be up for buying the novel, seeing as it was a comic convention. The man smiled and said “Just because I’m at a comic convention doesn’t mean I won’t buy a prose novel here…after all I am a geek. ”

The following year I returned to Thought Bubble and took some copies of Fallen Heroes and returned home with none.  After that I’ve always made sure to take the  novels to comic conventions and also the comics to book conventions.

The lesson I learned was that it was ok to mix mediums on my table, which I guess is reflection of the whole Unseen Shadows ethos -multiple mediums equals multiple ways in.

That story was a very long winded way of explaining the reason we are launching not only a prose piece of work at Thought Bubble but something a little different. Don’t worry there’s a comic angle coming in.

Army of Set Cover

An Unseen Shadows Find Your Path Gamebook

You are Napoleon Stone. Lecturer in Archaeology, History and Parapsychology. You are also an expert in all things occult. In your years of adventuring, for the Icarus Foundation, you have acquired many formidable skills. You are an unparalleled hand to hand fighter, weapons expert and your skill with a blade could see you in an Olympic team. You are also a notable practitioner of the magical arts.

This is good. You are going to need all these skills in what is coming. A great evil is awakening and it will unleash destruction upon this world unless you can stop it.

Good luck, Professor Stone.

The Army of Set awaits you…

Napoleon Stone and the Army of Set is a Find your Fate Game Book, where the reader chooses multiple paths through the story.

The book has been written by Richmond Clements (who pitched me the idea and did a  lot of the heavy lifting) and myself, with the game system devised  by Anthony McGarry Thickitt . The book is illustrated by Alex Moore with some additional art provided by Paul Williams and Pete Mason.

The really cool thing about Army of Set  is that will reference and directly lead into the comic Fragments of Fate which is also included in the same book. See told you there would be a comic link. Someone, somewhere has probably done something like this before but either way the creative team is very excited to share the finished product.

We will have a limited run of copies of Napoleon Stone and the Army of Set at the Unseen Shadows Table (Comixology Originals Hall Table 118) at Thought Bubble and available for postal delivery on launch day. You can Pre-Order your copy below for the special launch price of £5.00 (RRP £6.99)

Please see below for the pre-order prices. For International Delivery send an email to barry@unseenshadows.com to let us know where you are in the world so we can work out the P &P and charge accordingly.

Pre-order Napoleon Stone and the Army of Set for pick up at  the Thought Bubble Comic Festival for £5.00
Buy Now Button TB Blood Cries Out
Pre-order Napoleon Stone and the Army of Set for UK Delivery  for £5 (P &P £2.50)
Delivered on launch day 9th November

Buy Now Button TB Blood Cries Out


Blood Cries Out Goes to Print


Last week I hit the send button on my computer sending the final print file of Blood Cries Out off to the printer (waves at Rich). This almost brings to a close a comic that has been six years in development. Now myself and the BCO creative team are sitting and waiting for the print run to drop at my door.  I say sitting, I’m busy working away on a few more goodies that will be coming with me to the Blood Cries Out launch at the Thought Bubble Comic Festival.

If you’ve been following the site you will know that we have now opened up pre-orders for Blood Cries Out . We’ve started to get some pre-orders in so if you want to secure your copy head over to this link. And remember all pre-orders will come with a free digital comic.

If you’re interested in getting yourself a copy but are not attending Thought Bubble then you can pre-order one of the twenty copies that have been set aside. They are starting to go so get in there if you want one.

Here’s a sneak peek at our pull up banner (kitchen not included).

And if you going to Thought Bubble you can find us in the Comixology Originals Hall  on Table 118.




Pre-Order Blood Cries Out and Receive a Free Digital Comic


Blood Cries Out, from writer Cy Dethan, artist/colourist Conor Boyle and letterer Nic Wilkinson, is the latest title from the Unseen Shadows Universe.

The 100 page comic, will launch at the Thought Bubble Comic Festival (9th -10th Nov), which is being held in the Harrogate Convention Centre.




The Reverend is a weapon forged by fate and the cruelties of men, his life an endless crusade waged in shadow and blood. He is a one-man holy war, but he is not the first product of the machinery that created him.

When the twisted Broken Heart cult seeks to conjure and enslave a force they are ill-equipped to control, The Reverend must face a custom-built killer who knows him as only a brother can. The Reverend has finally met his equal in battle, and faith alone may no longer sustain him.

Blood Cries Out is a gritty supernatural action adventure featuring characters taken from the pages of the bestselling novels Fallen Heroes and  Forgotten Warriors written by Barry Nugent.

The Reverend made his comic debut in the one shot story Wrath of God written by Cy Dethan with art by Steve Penfold, colours by Gat Melvyn and lettering by Nic Wilkinson.

Although Blood Cries Out is a standalone comic it pulls on story threads from te comics Wrath of God and The Immaculate Abortion of Dina Leigh ,also written by Cy Dethan.

The retail price for Blood Cries Out is £14.99 but if you pre-order the comic  for collection at the Thought Bubble Comic Festival you can pick it up for the special price of £10.

For those who can’t make it to the festival there are a limited number copies (20) set aside which can be pre-ordered for postal delivery.

Also, as a thank you to all you lovely pre-ordering readers, all pre-orders will come with  a digital copy of Wrath of God on launch day (9th November).  Let us know if you have already read Wrath of God and we can arrange for another Unseen Shadows digital comic to be delivered.

Please see below for the pre-order prices and deals available. For International Delivery send an email to barry@unseenshadows.com to let us know where you are in the world so we can work out the P &P and charge accordingly.

Pre-order Blood Cries Out for pick up at  the Thought Bubble Comic Festival for £10.00
Buy Now Button TB Blood Cries Out
Pre-order Blood Cries Out for £10.00 for UK Delivery Only (P &P £2.50) 
Delivered on launch day 9th November

Buy Now Button TB Blood Cries Out

Pre-order your digital copy of Blood Cries Out for £5
Delivered on launch day 9th November

Buy Now Button TB Blood Cries Out

Pre-order your digital copy of The Divine Revelation of the Broken Heart for £10. Delivered on launch day 9th NovemberBuy Now Button TB Blood Cries Out

The Divine Revelation of the Broken Heart includes the comics  The Immaculate Abortion of Dina Leigh,Wrath of God and Blood Cries Out. This special digital edition will also include production sketches, character bios, scripts and more.

For International Delivery send an email to barry@unseenshadows.com to let us know where you are in the world so we can work out the P &P.

Barry Nugent, best selling indie author and the driving force behind the Unseen Shadows universe, will be manning the Unseen Shadows table at Thought Bubble. Alongside Barry will be long time Unseen Shadows collaborator Antony McGarry-Thickitt.

“This  story has been almost six years in the making and I can honestly say no one is more excited to read the finished version than me. Everyone has bought their A game to this project and no one picking it up is going disappointed. I’m looking forward to catching up with some of the other members of the creative team who will in attendance and chatting about Unseen Shadows to visitors at the convention.” – Barry Nugent

Inking Complete on Blood Cries Out

Always love giving updates on Unseen Shadows Projects but I love it even more when it’s good news. As it currently stands all the inking has been done for Blood Cries Out by Conor, who had been working like an artistic demon to get all the art finished. On the lettering front and Nic has lettered all the inked pages some last minute touches and of course added all of that onto the colour pages when they are complete.

I am beyond happy with the final results. Both Conor and Nic have now dropped some full colour finished pages in the dropbox folder for our team and they look spectacular and yes I know I’m being bias…but they look so pretty!

The plan is to open up the pre-order gates for Blood Cries Out on 1st October. Anyone interested will be able to either pre order for delivery via Royal Mail or pick up their pre-ordered copy at Thought Bubble 2019 . There will be a little something for all those who pre-order a copy but more on that soon.

In the mean time here is a sneak peek at the back cover (the front cover is being worked on as I type) and another inked page.

Next week there will be a full colour teaser to get the old pre-order juices flowing.