The Adventure Continues! Pre-Order Forgotten Warriors

 Pre-Order Forgotten Warriors Today!

I can honestly say that I was beginning to doubt this day would ever come but it has. I am opening up the pre-order doors for Forgotten Warriors, the sequel to Fallen Heroes.


I will be launching the book and signing at the Thought Bubble comic festival on 23rd September where I will be launching it along with the prequel graphic novel The Chimera Factor.

Coming soon – The Chimera Factor


So check out the fantastic cover for the novel by Junbobkim, read the blurb and then pre-order for your signed copy to either pick up at Thought Bubble or sent through the post.

Release Date: 23rd September 2017

Hold your breath.
Stand your ground.
The worst is yet to come.

Three years ago, on the eve of their greatest triumph, the Book of Cademus suffered their greatest defeat.

Today the leaders of this apocalyptic cult are hunted across the globe as their followers lose faith in their gods.

Reduced to striking out from the shadows in petty acts of vengeance, the cult hatches one last desperate gambit to regain all they have lost.

The Icarus Foundation, ignorant of the danger, has become locked in a political power struggle. The United Nations believes Icarus are too dangerous to be left unchecked and take drastic measures to bring them under control.

With Icarus’ focus turned elsewhere the burden falls on those scarred survivors to stand against the Book of Cademus once more. If they can…

Pre-order your signed copy of Forgotten Warriors to collect at Thought Bubble for £8.99


Pre-order your copy of Forgotten Warriors for £8.99 for UK Delivery (P &P £2.50)



To pre-order your copy of Tales of the Fallen for £8.99 for International Delivery (email me at to let me know where you are in the world so I can work out the P &P

Forgotten Warriors is finished and gets a new official synopsis

So earlier this week I received the final draft of Forgotten Warriors from the editor. The novel is now complete.

It is very hard unless you write to understand what it is like to finish a novel. The sheer emotional weight that hits you is something I don’t think you ever prepare for. As I sit here a blubbering mess trying to type this I have over seven years of emotional weight and memories of working on this novel settling on my shoulders. The times when I felt like a failure. The times when all I saw was a blank screen for hours on end, laughing at me. The times when I thought this was the best work I had ever done. The times when I lost my brother, my father and felt like I would never write again. Always in those times, both good and bad, I would hear my mum whispering to me to keep going, to just do one more word Titch, one more page.

To say writing is a rollercoaster of highs and lows may sound cliche but it is as good a metaphor as any.

Some writers would have you believe that writing is a solitary profession, it is least not for me. The amount love and support and ‘kicks up the ass’ from friends and family can not and will never be underestimated.

So thank you all for your love and support, some more than others (you know how you are).

And lastly… Mum…still here, still trying to save the world.

The plan is to launch the novel at the Thought Bubble Exhibition together with The  Chimera Factor graphic novel. The comic is stand alone, in many ways, but it also acts as a prequel to Forgotten Warriors.


Look out for a post of how to pre-order your copy soon. It will be doing a limited edition special edition copy in the first instance..more details on that soon.

In the meantime if you’re a fan of Fallen Heroes…thank you for your support and sticking with me all these years..not much longer now. If you want to pick up Forgotten Warriors and want to read Fallen Heroes first you can still pick up a copy from Amazon.

Here’s the new story blurb to give you an idea what’s coming.

Hold your breath.

Stand your ground.

The worst is yet to come.

Three years ago, on the eve of their greatest triumph, the Book of Cademus instead suffered their greatest defeat.

Today the leaders of this apocalyptic cult are hunted across the globe as their followers lose faith in their gods.

Reduced to striking out from the shadows in petty acts of vengeance, the cult hatches one last desperate gambit to regain all they have lost.

The Icarus Foundation, ignorant of the danger, has become locked in a political power struggle. The United Nations believes Icarus are too dangerous to be left unchecked and take drastic measures to bring them under control.

With Icarus’ focus turned elsewhere the burden falls on those scarred survivors to stand against the Book of Cademus once more. If they can…


Final Draft for Forgotten Warriors is Complete

“And now the end is near and now I face the final curtain…”

I could not have said it better myself Frank.

The final draft of Forgotten Warriors is now complete. Now there’s nine words I was beginning to think I would never say. The story is now in the capable hands of an editor to proofread and sense check. The copy will then be returned to me to go over the changes and send back for a final edit. Hopefully after that Forgotten Warriors will be ready for publication.

It’s been a long, fun, painful, soul destroying and soul uplifting process, getting to this moment but finally the end is finally in sight.

In celebration of this milestone here’s a sneak unproofed peek at the some of the opening prologue, featuring two familiar faces from the climax of Fallen Heroes.


The Holy Lands, Anatolia 1097

The battlefield was a tapestry of nightmares, woven from torn flesh and shattered bone. At this distance the thousands of bodies strewn across the blood soaked earth were little more than dark specks.

So this is victory.

At the head of the battlefield, where the main body of fighting had taken place, a few specks moved. These, Oliver guessed, were looters seeking food or coin in the clothing of the dead.  He wanted to hate them but in this unforgiving land he had learnt faith alone would not fill an empty belly.

Oliver ignored the cheers from those around him. There was little to celebrate save that, by God’s grace, they had been spared to breathe this cursed land’s foul air for another day.

It had been here the Turkish horse archers had attacked, their arrows slicing through Oliver’s men with gruesome precision.

Sir Thomas, a friend of Oliver’s father, had fallen in that first skirmish, taking an arrow to the eye. Oliver had tired to reach him but the old knight’s screams were silenced by a second volley of arrows.

Oliver gently ran his fingers through his horse’s mane. It was a ritual he had perfected to keep the horse calm. The beast snorted and shuddered beneath him, its hooves stamping the earth in frustration. Oliver shared the beast’s desire to be away from this slaughterhouse.

The stench of rotting flesh, cooked by the noonday sun, was everywhere. However it was not the smell that made Oliver want to retch it was the sheer absurdity of it all. Where was God’s love in all this reckless slaughter?

On this account I, or rather the Lord, beseech you as Christ’s heralds to publish this everywhere and to persuade all people of whatever rank, foot-soldiers and knights, poor and rich, to carry aid promptly to those Christians and to destroy that vile race from the lands of our friends.

Trapped here, in this crucible of heat and death, the honeyed words of the Pope brought little comfort to Oliver. Did his holiness think the Turks would see the love of the one true God as they cradled their dead?

After a year of war Oliver Cademus had seen little holy in this crusade. He had answered a blood soaked call to arms to further the ambitions of powerful men. His father, Nicholas had warned him he did not have the stomach for war.

In the holy lands Oliver learnt the truth of his father’s words. Every night those he had put to death would visit him, whispering curses in the darkness of sleep.

Oliver gripped the reins and spurred his horse forward, his thoughts turning to England and home. He used to see his old life as stagnant and unfulfilled but now he would give anything have it again and to see his mother.

“Thinking about home again my Lord?”

Oliver stiffened and turned to the newcomer, who now rode beside him,

“Oh it’s you Jacob,” said Oliver, his hand moving from the hilt of his sword and back to the reins.

Jacob Covenant was tall, his features hawkish in appearance, though his thick beard helped to give the hard lines of his face a softer edge. He was not dressed in knights’ garments but rather those of a common solider.

“I was thinking about my mother,” said Oliver. “She’s a painter and a fine one at that.”

“What does she paint?”

“The last thing I saw her paint was a portrait of me before I set out on this fool’s errand.”

Oliver’s grumbled response had come just as the he and Jacob rode past a detachment of men.

“Choose your words with care my lord.”

“Forgive me,” said Oliver, rubbing his eyes. “I did not mean to speak ill of our faith.”

But rather those who would smother it with their own desires.

“You are a knight, you have no need to seek my forgiveness,” said Jacob. “It is I who should seek yours for forgetting my place.”

Oliver was certain Jacob knew what his place was in the world and it was not as anyone’s lackey. It was one of the reasons Oliver respected the man. Jacob had also saved Oliver’s life, a fact Jacob was embarrassed to be reminded of.

“You never did tell me if you had any family Jacob?” asked Oliver.

“You never asked my lord.”

“Well I am asking you now.”

A vacant expression settled over Jacob face as he spoke.

“I had a wife and two sons.”

The word ‘had’ was meaning enough to Oliver. He stumbled over his words as he sought to sooth the wound he had opened.

“Bear it no mind my lord,” said Jacob, waving away Oliver’s dismay. “It was a lifetime ago and I have made my peace with it.”

“Nevertheless I am sorry for your…”

The sounds of screaming tore the rest of the sentence from Oliver’s mouth. Looking ahead he saw several columns of thick black smoke curling upwards, invoking images of some giant terror unfurling its dark wings.

“Is there no end to this madness?” bellowed Oliver, turning his horse toward the smoke.


Behind the Shadows: The Crusader and the Soldier

So here we are again with another peek behind the shadowy curtain of the our little transmedia project. This week Richmond Clements, writer of the Unseen Shadows comics Historia and Operation Solomon talks about the two lead characters from those stories – Steph Connisbee and Kathryn Monroe.

Over to you Richmond.

As I have written for both Steph Connisbee and Kathryn Monroe (with a little Victoria Sullivan thrown in), Barry has asked me to write a bit about them.

When I first came on board and was reading the novel and looking for a character to pitch for Kathryn and Steph were two who stood out for me. .

The Crusader


Kathryn Monroe

Kathryn’s nightmares were inspired by the real terrors of her former work; murder, rape, mutilation, they were not just headlines in the morning paper. Each headline brought with it past images that were burned into her subconscious.  The faces of those she could not save.  Kathryn saw them all, felt their pain, their frustration. Why? Why them? Each time the answer was different. A different craving that could only be satisfied with blood.  – Fallen Heroes

I loved Kathryn’s entire attitude to life. The constant, vague level of disappointment she feels about humanity is something I can appreciate. But she also has a streak of hope in there that we can do better.  And her willingness to do what is right, and not just what the law demands is something a writer can enjoy playing with.

Kathryn  works as an investigator for a special section of the United Nations called T.O.R.C.H (Tactical, Operational Response and Control Headquarters ).  Her greatest tools are her intelligence and her imagination. The way she sees a crime scene is something her colleagues cannot fully comprehend but neither can they argue with the results from her work.  Kathryn has a quick mind, and a barbed tongue to match, and god help anyone who gets on the wrong side of either of them.

Whenever I went to the pub with my old karate teacher he would always sit so he could see all the exits, never allowed friends or students to come up behind him. In any given situation he was the most prepared and most dangerous person in the room (even though he never looked it) and that is how I see Kathryn. I think readers of Fallen Heroes saw about twenty percent of what Kathryn is capable of  but in the next novel you will see just how dangerous she really is. – Barry Nugent


The Soldier


Steph Connisbee

“I’m still not happy about this.”

Ben remembered the last time he had seen Steph unhappy. It was six months ago. She had broken her ex-boyfriend’s arm in three places after he had made the mistake of stealing from her. – Fallen Heroes

On my first read of Fallen Heroes, it was Steph who really made an impact. Strong physically and mentally and also very funny, brave, loyal and capable. And apart from that, she had a big hole in her back story that I was able to exploit for Operation Solomon! When we first meet her in the book, Steph is working as a criminal, but her life before (and indeed, what comes next) is equally exciting.

Steph used to be a pilot in the US Navy. She flew her helicopter on deadly night missions in some of the deadliest warzones in the world. She has coaxed it into manoeuvres that almost defy physics, and are well beyond courageous. She is not just a good pilot, she is a great one. Her skill and innate, instinctive ability are without question.

Steph is my Chewbecca…loyal to a fault but will rip your arms out of your sockets if you cross her. She is one of the most moral of all the characters in the book, despite her criminal profession. Hopefully readers who enjoyed her in Fallen heroes will enjoy her even more in Forgotten Warriors as she very much takes the centre stage when it comes to the plot. – Barry Nugent


You’ll notice when I listed the strengths/ character traits of both Kathryn and Steph ‘female’ is not among them. While it is very important  that they are both highly capable female characters who work in the male dominated areas of law enforcement and the military, being female is not their character. It does not define them.

Barry knew this – he wrote people, not just men and women. It seems like a simple and obvious thing to say, but it really isn’t. Far too many writers seem to think being male or female is a character trait (Gone Girl, I’m looking at you). But people are first and foremost just people.

And Kathryn and Steph are two of the coolest people I know.



3rd Draft of Forgotten Warriors is Complete

I am very pleased to announce that the third draft of Forgotten Warriors is now complete. It has been a long time coming and a serious amount of early morning work, including a few 3am starts but all of that has been worth it to get to this stage.

What Next?

Well essentially all the heavy lifting on the novel is done and what happens now is a lot of proof reading to fix any grammar and puntuation errors. Test readers will also be getting their hands on the manuscript to feedback to me so I can make any edits or fix any continuity errors in the novel.

What can you tell us about Forgotten Warriors?

Hmm not much without spoiling a load of juicy plot points but I will give it a try. The story starts three years after the events of Forgotten Warriors, with a lot of the characters in very different places to where we left them. I did use the ‘Forgotten Warriors’ title as an inspiration to shift the focus from the main characters from the first novel onto some of the ‘sidekicks’ characters like Kathryn Monroe, Eve Appleton, Vincent Marconi and of course Steph Connisbee, who takes centre stage on the cover.

Of course no good pulp adventure is complete without some villains and it’s safe to say that after what happened at at the end of the first novel that the Book of Cademus cult are after a little payback. If I could have got away with it I would have called this novel ‘The Book of Cademus Strikes back!’ as I think it pretty much sums up the vibe for this story.

There is also a lot of crossover in this novel in terms of the audio and comic spin offs. As always you do not need to have read the comic or listen to the audio before reading the novel as the story works independent of them but there’s a lot of fun to be had if you do. Over the coming weeks and months I will talk a lot more about that process.

Although Forgotten Warriors is a darker tale than Fallen Heroes it is still packed with a shed load of action, twists and cliffhangers.

When can we expect Forgotten Warriors?

Fingers crossed the book will be out summer 2014. There’s a synopsis below the cover but do not read if you have not yet read Fallen Heroes.



Since their defeat at Cademus Castle The Cabal, the leaders of the Book of Cademus have been scouring the earth for the clues they believe will lead them to the source of Oliver Cademus’ incredible power. The Cabal seek to follow in their leader’s footsteps and harness this dark and destructive power for themselves.

The Icarus Foundation, unaware of the danger, has allowed itself to become locked in a political power struggle. The United Nations, now fully aware of the Foundation’s clandestine activities, believes Icarus are too dangerous to be left unchecked.

With the Icarus Foundations’s focus turned elsewhere the burden falls on a few scarred survivors to stand against the Book of Cademus once more.

With lies, betrayal and murder shadowing their every move they must fight to stay alive and uncover the answer to one question which threatens to shatter the world. Who are the Forgotten Warriors?